Our 10-Year Goals

In Fiscal 2022, we were proud to announce ADS' 10-year goals. Our reason is water and so our 10-year goals are based on the tenants of our REASON tagline. Check out our progress toward reaching these goals in Fiscal 2024.

Our Reason is Water


1 billion pounds recycled material used annually by 2032.

Fiscal 2024 Progress

540 million pounds of recycled material purchased in Fiscal 2024.

Continued construction on Engineering and Technology Center in Hilliard, OH, opening in fiscal 2025. This facility will help us find ways to incorporate additional recycled material in our products.

Continued to partner with The Recycling Partnership, whose goal is to provide equitable access to recycling across the United States.


Reduce absolute GHG emissions through science-based targets in line with limiting global temperature risk to 1.5°C.

Fiscal 2024 Progress

Signed the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) commitment letter on April 21, 2022.

Proposed targets are currently under review by SBTi for approval.

Internally, we have developed a path to achieve these targets and will report additional information once the science-based targets are approved.


Continued transparency in reporting annual progress toward 10-year goals.

Implementation of a supplier sustainability program to be a responsible and transparent corporate citizen.

Fiscal 2024 Progress

Launched a supplier code of conduct in the first quarter of Fiscal 2024..

Became a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact in the first quarter of Fiscal 2024.


Increase focus on Culture and Engagement.

Continue supporting communities through the ADS Foundation.

Develop and foster community partnerships.

Fiscal 2024 Progress

New disclosures on waste, landfill diversion and materials used in manufacturing.

Contributed $2 million to charitable organizations, including $1 million through the ADS Foundation.


Reduce Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) to below 1.0 by Fiscal 2032.

Commit to Operation Clean Sweep.

Implement closed loop water usage at 100% of the Legacy ADS pipe manufacturing locations.

Fiscal 2024 Progress

TRIR was 2.1, a 22% improvement from the Fiscal 2022 baseline of 2.7. We continue to focus on safety and lowering the TRIR.

Active member of Operation Clean Sweep.

100% of the legacy ADS pipe manufacturing facilities utilize closed loop water systems. We are currently evaluting the remaining manufacturing sites to evaluate the feasibility of utilizing closed loop water systems.


We will keep lines of communication open and transparent and will share news of our progress on a regular basis via the ADS website, investor communications and our annual sustainability report.

Fiscal 2024 Progress

Published annual sustainability report.

The Lifecycle of a Raindrop

Our reason is water, and ADS provides stormwater management solutions that cover the lifecycle of a raindrop. From the moment that raindrop hits the ground until it is returned to the environment, the ADS stormwater management product portfolio is built around capturing, conveying, storing and treating before returning that raindrop back to the environment.

The first step in protecting our world’s most precious resource, water, ADS capture structures collect and direct stormwater runoff on project sites to an underground conveyance system.
To prevent flooding, which could lead to significant structural and environmental problems, ADS pipe, fittings and other products safely move water away from developed sites to be reintroduced to the water cycle.
13+ billion feet of ADS pipe is installed around the world.
To mitigate erosion and flooding, ADS retention and detention systems manage infiltration and recharge stormwater prior to the treatment process.
The current footprint of installed StormTech® retention/detention chambers can infiltrate 3+ billion gallons of stormwater runoff.
ADS water quality products remove trash, debris and pollutants from stormwater runoff collected in previous steps, ensuring only clean water is discharged back into our communities.
ADS Barracuda water quality units in place can manage 3+ million gallons of water per minute during storm events.

Materiality Assessment

We believe that ongoing stakeholder engagement is crucial to maintain a leading Sustainability program.

In Fiscal 2023, we completed a materiality assessment to further refine how our key stakeholders view the key issues that impact our business and confirm our goals are focused on areas most important to them. The results of the materiality assessment will provide an important foundation to inform future areas of focus.

ADS' Material ESG Issues

Enhancing ability to attract and retain talent
Providing solutions to support customer and community resilience to extreme weather and water scarcity
Decarbonizing ADS’ own operations and supply chains
Increasing the use of recycled plastics through partnerships and innovation
Deploying automation technologies across ADS’ manufacturing network
Fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workforce
Integrating sustainability-related risks, opportunities, and impacts into ADS corporate governance
Enhancing the measurement and disclosure of ADS’ product impact
Building ADS’ operational resilience (including supply chain) to extreme weather
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