
Airports & Ports

Our wide variety of products provide water management solutions for parking areas to keep areas dry.

Learn Why Aviation Pros Rely on ADS

HP Installation at Hopkins International Airport with plane

Learn Why Aviation Pros Rely on ADS

From LaGuardia to Jackson Hole, airport professionals turn to ADS for their project needs.

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Jackson Hole Mitigates Bird Strikes

Jackson Hole Airport

Jackson Hole Mitigates Bird Strikes

The use of stormwater management solutions is vitally important to protect the national park and our most precious natural resource, water.

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SeaTac Saved Installation Time

Seattle Tacoma Airport

SeaTac Saved Installation Time

Installing ADS products helped meet the 180-day completion date without shutting down the runway.

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LaGuardia Expedited Project Deadlines

LaGuardia Airport

LaGuardia Expedited Project Deadlines

ADS' light weight and longer pipe lengths allowed for major cost savings and for installation time to be cut in half.

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Major airports like Dallas-Ft. Worth, Denver International and Atlanta Hartsfield, along with regional airports, use ADS HDPE pipe for under drains, cross drains, edge drains and culverts. On active runways, taxiways and tarmacs, N-12 pipe provides a durable solution for storm water management. Our HP Storm Pipe is trusted for stormwater management at major airports like LaGuardia and Seattle-Tacoma International.

Trusted at Airports and Ports Nationwide

Detention systems for collecting and storing de-icing solutions have also been designed using N-12 watertight pipe. Buried 25 feet underground, the detention system is unaffected by the Boeing 747 parked above it, or the glycol solution it holds. StormTech chambers also offer a major advantage and eliminate costly accidents due to wildlife interference by storing water underground and eliminating open detention and detention ponds that attract waterfowl. Adhering to ASTM 2418, ASTM F-2922 and ASTM F-2787 standards, as well as exceeding AASHTO 12.12 LRFD requirements, StormTech chambers provide a efficient and economical solution for stormwater detention.

Our Reason is Water

Lake View

Our Reason is Water

As one of the largest plastics recycling companies in North America, we take managing water seriously.

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