HP Storm Key Product
in Hazel Avenue Improvement

Sacramento County, CA
Installation Date:

County of Sacramento

TRC Companies

Teichert Construction
HP Storm Key Product in Hazel Avenue Improvement
HP Storm made of polypropylene was chosen for conveyance of stormwater for the Hazel Avenue Complete Streets Improvement project.


The project was done in three phases and consisted of massive utility work and additional traffic lanes and pedestrian access.

The improvement project on Hazel Avenue/U.S. Highway 50 was designed to reduce congestion and increase the safety and mobility along the corridor.

ADS assisted with storm drain design on the project after HP Storm was picked as the storm pipe. HP Storm was chosen to deliver a superior storm drain systems and to save tax payer funds by reducing capital expenditure costs and reducing the delivery and construction schedules.

The award-winning, complete-street corridor was funded by District 3 developer fees, Measure A sales tax funds, state improvement funds and federal funds.

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