Acceptable Geotextiles

Acceptable Geotextiles


AASHTO M288 Class 1 WovenAASHTO M288 Class 2 Non-Woven

ADSPLUS125 / 315WTK - SC series
ADSPLUS175 / 315WTM - MC series


AASHTO M288 Class 1 Woven Geotextile Application:

    1. Stabilization layer for the angular stone foundation of the StormTech Isolator Row PLUS to prevent scouring of the stone base during the JetVac maintenance procedure, modest hydraulic flows maintained.
    2. At each inlet row to prevent scouring of the foundation stone.

AASHTO M288 Class 2 Non-Woven Geotextile Application:

    1. Separation layer between angular stone cover and fill to prevent fines intrusion.
    2. Filter layer over the chambers of the StormTech Isolator Row PLUS to prevent fines migration out of row while maintaining hydraulic flows.


ADS Geosynthetics 315W Woven Geotextile



ADS Geosynthetics 0601T
Nonwoven Geotextile


Now Introducing: StormGrid™

StormGrid Illustration

Now Introducing: StormGrid™

StormGrid is a specialized geogrid product designed exclusively for stormwater management applications, particularly in detention and retention systems. It utilizes an Inter-Axial geogrid structure, making it ideal for use with StormTech chambers.


StormTech Design Tool

StormTech Design Tool

StormTech Design Tool

Design and estimating the cost of a stormwater system constructed with StormTech Chambers by using the StormTech Design Tool.

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