Inserta Tee Sanitary Sewer Lateral Connection

Inserta Tee Sanitary Sewer Lateral Connection.pdf

Inserta Tee Sanitary Sewer Lateral Connection

This document is the Inserta Tee Sanitary Sewer Lateral Connection. Applications, features, benefits and specifications explained.

Inserta Tee is a 3 piece service connection consisting of a PVC hub, rubber sleeve and sanitary band that fits any sanitary sewer mainline. It is compression fit and does not require special tooling. It allows for tapping into existing lines without disturbing the bedding and matches the pipe’s internal radius. It allows for easier grading of the mainline which reduces labor and material costs.

Applications are for sanitary sewers and pipe bursting. Features include installation without disturbing bedding, connections are watertight, air testable and highly durable. Connections range from 2” – 24” and can be used for sliplining and manholes. Benefits are that installation is easy, connects to largest range of sizes and no need for glue, epoxies or grout.

Inserta Tee product specifications discuss scope, requirements, joint performance, field pipe joint performance, installation and Build America, Buy America compliance.

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