406 Installation HP Storm Riser Tee 12-24in Pipe Detail

406 Installation HP Storm Riser Tee 12-24in Pipe Detail.dwg

406 Installation HP Storm Riser Tee 12-24in Pipe Detail

This document is the 406 Installation HP Storm Riser Tee 12-24in Detail. It shows 2 details for the unit with dimensions and descriptions.

The first detail shows frame & cover, structural backfill per ASTM D2321, encasement, concrete collar, HDPE pipe diameter, bedding, undisturbed native soil, riser TEE and standard pipe.

The 2nd detail shows the HDPE pipe diameter with minimum width for encasement.

Notes state that concrete collar shall be designed by others and for projects ad site conditions to carry all anticipated loading. For projects where cover exceeds the minimum or maximum values, contact ADS.

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