N-12 is Utilized Again on I-15 Case Study

N-12 is Utilized Again on I-15 Case Study.pdf

N-12 is Utilized Again on I-15 Case Study

This document is the case study for N-12 is Utilized Again on I-15 Case Study. An expansion of I-15 is discussed.

Using the same design-build process, and N-12 pipe, from I-15 construction south of Salt Lake City, a new expansion was built on the I-15 New Ogden Weber (NOW) County project north of Salt Lake City. The 9.5-mile (15.2 km) project widened I-15 from two to four lanes in both directions to handle the population increase and the booming tourism to prime ski areas.

The project’s build was handled by Weber County Constructors, a design-build team of Granite Construction, Inc. and Ralph L. Wadsworth Construction Company, Inc. The project used 36,000’ (10,973 m) of 6”-36” (150-900 mm) pipe with 29,000’ (8,839 m) of it being 24” (600 mm) pipe. The convenience of just in time delivery from ADS’ North Salt Lake manufacturing plant was important to the project. Being able to nest the ADS pipe on the truck saves time, money and cuts down on dirt in the area. The contractors liked the long length of pipe for speed in installation and the fact that N-12’s light weight made it easily maneuverable.

The installation was done in 2006-2008 using 36,000’ (10,973 m) of 6”-36” (150-900 mm) N-12.

Photographs of the project are included.

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