AdvanEDGE Foundation Drain Detail
AdvanEDGE Foundation Drain Detail.dwg
This document is the AdvenEdge Foundation Drain Detail. Notes with illustration and references shown.
The illustration shows a foundation with building face, finished grade, native soil, course gravel, AdvenEdge, slab, geotextile wrap and footer.
Note 1 states that backfill must be sized at least once sieve size larger than dimensions of perforations, otherwise a geotextile wrap around the pipe is required. Note 2 states for native soil that’s exceeds 50% clay or silt exceeds 40% a geotextile is not required. Note 3 clarifies that native soil with high sand content needs a geotextile between the backfill and native soil should be used. Note 4 says that native soil with less that 50% passing the NO. 200 sieve, the opening size of the fabric should be at least a NO. 30 sieve. Note 5 states that vehicular loads are expected. A minimum of 12 inches of cover is required over top of pipe.
References are listed.