StormTech Inspection Port Inlet Detail

StormTech Inspection Port Inlet Detail.dwg

StormTech Inspection Port Inlet Detail

10” StormTech Inspection Port Inlet Detail.

This document is the 10” StormTech Inspection Port Inlet Detail. A cross section of the port inlet is shown.

In the cross section, details are the concrete collar with or without pavement, pavement, concrete slab placement, 18” minimum width, 15” nyloplast inline drain body with grat4ed cover, 10” SDR 35 pipe, 10” Inserta-TEE centered on corrugation crest with the StormTech MC-3500 chamber below. Installation of a 24” x 24” concrete pad or equivalent directly under the inlet is required. Set top of slab flush with stone and place under ADS geosynthetics 315 woven geotextile.

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