Everglades Restoration Case Study

Everglades Restoration Case Study.pdf

Everglades Restoration Case Study

This document is the Everglades Restoration Case Study. In Florida, HP Storm developed a prototype along levees and canals in the Everglades is discussed.

HP Storm was chosen to develop a prototype along a 3,000’ (914 m) stretch of levees and canals in the Florida Everglades. The prototype is to determine how to design and formulate plans for future Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) projects. These projects will restore and preserve South Florida’s natural ecosystems, while enhancing water supplies and maintaining flood control.

For the prototype, 10 runs of 100’ (30 m) of 60” (1500 mm) HP Storm pipe, made from polypropylene, were used in a structure equipped with vertical lift gates to provide east-west drainage through a levee in the Everglades. HP Storm met a number of criteria that was needed. The strength of HP Storm was needed to control the strong water flow. The pipe has watertight gaskets desired by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The 20’ (6 m) lengths reduced the number of trucks needed for delivery. This lowered the carbon footprint and the wear-and-tear on the single-lane, seven-mile road where product is delivered. HP Storm was also cost-effective for the product and produces a 100-year service life.

The installation was done in July 2013 using 1,000’ (518 m) of 60” (1500 mm) HP Storm pipe.

Photographs of the project are included.

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