Green Infrastructure StormTech Brochure

Green Infrastructure StormTech Brochure.pdf

Green Infrastructure StormTech Brochure

This document is the StormTech and Green Infrastructure Brochure. Recycling, LEED credit and rain gardens discussed.

Key benefits of the StormTech Chamber System are reduction of stormwater through infiltration, enhanced stormwater quality, reduction of thermal impacts, proven performance, meets ASTM, AASHTO specifications and easy construction and maintenance.

The Isolator Row verification testing at the University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center proves the efficiency results through lab testing.

StormTech notes that recycled materials of concrete structural backfill utilize aggregate for conveyance, strength and volume. Potential LEED credits come from using recycled materials and increasing demand of local building materials.

Downspout applications apply to commercial and residential use, a cross section is shown of the system.

Bioretention and rain gardens are discussed using the StormTech chamber system. Definition, benefits, maintenance and general design considerations are discussed. A cross section of a typical raingarden is shown.

Pervious pavement for roads, parking lots and walkways allow the movement of air and water through the paving material. Notes on pervious pavement include environmental benefits, safety, economic impact and maintenance are included with a cross section of a StormTech pervious pavement system.

General design considerations like hydraulics, construction and environmental impact are noted.

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