601 HDPE to CMP Connection (Geotextile Wrap) Detail

601 HDPE to CMP Connection (Geotextile Wrap) Detail.dwg

601 HDPE to CMP Connection (Geotextile Wrap) Detail

This document is the 601 HDPE to CMP Connection (Geotextile Wrap) Detail. Cross sections with descriptions and dimensions provided.

The first cross section shows cast in place concrete encasement, finish grade, non-woven geotextile wrapped around connection, existing CMP pipe, class I bedding to support concrete collar.

The second cross section shows internal coupler spigot adapter, HDPE pipe to be connected, existing CMP pipe, existing grade and excavate existing grade to avoid soil intrusion and create safe work area.

The third section A-A shows cast in place concrete encasement and non-woven geotextile wrapped around connection.

Notes state that connection and pipe to be backfilled per ASTM D2321, if no internal cylinder, an HDPE watertight repair coupler can be used and internal cylinder adapter is not recommended for downstream connections.

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