SC-310 StormTech Cross Section
SC-310 StormTech Cross Section.pdf

Acceptable fill materials for the StormTech SC-310 Chamber Systems.
This document details StormTech SC-310 Chamber Systems acceptable fill materials.
The description section outlines material locations such as final fill, initial fill, embedment stone and foundation stone. Descriptions for each location are listed, along with the AASHTO material classifications. Compaction/Density Requirements are noted for engineers to use when planning.
Notes to consider are AASHTO designations for gradations only. StormTech compaction requirements. Standard design load considerations, and layer placement for site design engineer discretion.
A cross section diagram of the StormTech SC-310 Chamber System represents minimum requirements for installation. The diagram details the geotextile interaction with the fill, perimeter stone fill, excavation wall location, pavement layer, depth of stone and subgrade soils.
Additional notes include: ASTM F2418 chamber classification, ASTM F2787 structural design requirements, bearing resistance responsibilities, perimeter stone guidelines, handling & installation, secure joint direction, and ensuring arch integrity.