TN 5.19A AdvanEdge Drainage Layout for Synthetic Turf Fields

TN 5.19A AdvanEdge Drainage Layout for Synthetic Turf Fields.pdf

TN 5.19A AdvanEdge Drainage Layout for Synthetic Turf Fields

This document is the TN 5.19A AdvanEdge Drainage Layout for Synthetic Turf Fields. Calculations, drainage layout and transport pipe discussed.

The drainage layout for an athletic field is dependent on several factors; rainfall event, catchment area, field type, soil permeability as well as other site conditions. The rainfall event is typically based on historical data for the geographic area and is measured in inches per hour. The catchment area, typically measured in square feet, may not only be the area of the proposed athletic field; but depending on site topography, may also need to include surrounding areas. The type of field, natural or synthetic turf, will influence the permeability of the soils, with natural turf being less preamble than synthetic. For this reason the spacing of collector lines within a natural turf field are typically closer together than a similar synthetic field.

Natural and synthetic turf fields are designed similarly, but with some noted exceptions. Natural fields typically have less permeable bases. The designer may also assume some rainwater runoff coefficient less than 1.0 depending on the catchment area, site conditions, and how conservative one wants to be in the calculations. In natural turf athletic fields, the spacing of the collector pipes are mostly influenced by the soil permeability and the desired drainage time; this consequently leads to collector lines with narrow spacing or high drainage times. Synthetic fields on the other hand offer highly permeable stone bases and so may incorporate collector lines with wider spacing. Because the playing surface of synthetic fields drain rather quickly, it is common to assume zero rainwater runoff or a rainwater runoff coefficient of 1.0.

Example calculations based on rational equations are determined. The drainage layout calculations are also provided.

The transport pipe, or perimeter pipe can be sized. A figure showing the typical synthetic turf herringbone drainage outlet is shown with 12” AdvanEdge on 20 foot lateral spacing, outlet, perforated perimeter drain size and slope, and perforated HDPE trunk lines.

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