BayFilter Stormwater Filtration System Product Sheet

BayFilter Stormwater Filtration System Product Sheet.pdf

BayFilter Stormwater Filtration System Product Sheet

This document is the BayFilter Product Sheet. Features, benefits, performance, installation and specifications explained.

The BayFilter Stormwater Filtration System is a single or multiple cartridges to handle treatment flow requirement. BayFilter removes sediments, nutrients, heavy metals and other pollutants. The vertically spiraled layered design maximizes surface loading rate and filter media area, while up-flow filtration allows for a hydrodynamic backwash cleansing process.

Features include effective filtration for enhanced pollution prevention. System removes greater than 80% TSS and 65% of turbidity. Different configurations available. Enhanced media removes 65% of total phosphorous and optional drain-down cartridge is built into the filter minimizing stand water.

Benefits are that BayFilter is easy to install and maintain. Systems are customizable. Cartridges may be recycled. Reduced life cycle cost. Low maintenance cost. Prevents system from becoming anaerobic during dry spells and excellent abrasion and corrosion resistant.

The system specifications list the products components, internal fittings, external shell, filter media composition and precast concrete vault structure provided per ASTM C.

Performance highlights that the filter system treats 100% of the required flow. The cartridges have no moving parts. Removes 80% of TSS, 60% phosphorous, 50% turbidity, 40% copper and 40% zinc. Reduces incoming turbidity. The filtration cartridge is equipped with hydrodynamic backwash mechanism.

A chart lists the values for the filter cartridge, treatment flow rate, treatment volume and filter surface area.

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