511A Installation Water Quality Unit WQU Connecting Bypass Detail

511A Installation Water Quality Unit WQU Connecting Bypass Detail.pdf

511A Installation Water Quality Unit WQU Connecting Bypass Detail

This document is the 511A Installation Water Quality Unit WQU Connecting Bypass Detail. It shows details for connecting the bypass outlet and inlet ends.

The connecting the bypass (outlet end) detail shows the storm water quality unit outlet side, additional excavation for by-pass, HDPE bypass pipe, compacted Class I material per ASTM D2321 and to match inverts when connecting the outlet fitting.

Notes state to start on the downstream end by connecting the outlet fitting. Also, by-pass fittings can be connected using the same couplers as the main storm sewer pipe. A table with distance from outside of SWQU to outer wall of bypass pipe diameters is shown.

The connecting the by-pass (inlet end) detail shows the connect inlet TEE fitting, sediment access riser, sloped by-pass pipe, oil access riser, pipe coupler and outlet WYE fitting.

Notes state to continue connecting the by-pass pipe to the upstream end of unit and finish the by-pass connection to the unit by connecting the inlet TEE fitting.

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