Synthetic Turf Athletic Field Perimeter Drain Connection (AdvanEDGE) Detail

Synthetic Turf Athletic Field Perimeter Drain Connection (AdvanEDGE) Detail.pdf

Synthetic Turf Athletic Field Perimeter Drain Connection (AdvanEDGE) Detail

This document is the Synthetic Turf Athletic Field Perimeter Drain Connection (AdvanEdge) Detail. Diagram with descriptions provided.

The drain connection for an athletic field detail shows the synthetic athletic turf thickness specified per project plans, 2” of top stone compacted to 95%, 0.5% slope from crown, 4” bottom stone compacted to 95% proctor, 18” minimum, N-12 perimeter drain, AdvanEdge laid flat on subgrade or fabric, natural soil compacted, geotextile/geomembrane, AdvanEdge end outlet and N-12 reducing Tee, Inserta-Tee or reducing wye.

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