1001 Roof Drain (45 Deg Wye Cleanout) Detail

1001 Roof Drain (45 Deg Wye Cleanout) Detail.pdf

1001 Roof Drain (45 Deg Wye Cleanout) Detail

This document is the 1001 Roof Drain (45 Degree Wye Cleanout) Detail. Descriptions and notes explain the roof drain.

The Roof Drain (45 Degree Wye Cleanout) Detail shows the building face, downspout adapter inserted in riser, nyloplast cleanout end cap adjust grad per plans, finished grade, injection molded WT 45 degree wye, insert injection molded, gasketed spigot by bell reducer, injection molded WT Tee, gasketed connection, HDPE pipe (TYP) and injection molded WT 90 degree bend.

Notes state that injection molded fittings are available in Tees, wyes, reducers, 45 degree bends and bell/bell couplers. Watertight (WT) joints are in the detail, soil-tight fittings are also available.

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