TN 6.34 Modeling StormTech Chambers in HydroCAD

TN 6.34 Modeling StormTech Chambers in HydroCAD.pdf

TN 6.34 Modeling StormTech Chambers in HydroCAD

Modeling StormTech Chambers in Hydraflow Hydrographs technical note introduces steps for modeling StormTech chambers as a pond in the software.

This document shows the steps for modeling StormTech chambers as a pond in the HydroCAD Stormwater modeling software. HydroCAD can be used to route a hydrograph through a pond.

StormTech chambers are modeled in HydroCAD either using the Chamber Wizard or entered manually. We recommend modeling them manually for the best accuracy. When manually modeling the StormTech chambers are placed or “embedded” in a stone envelope. The first step when modeling the chambers is to enter the dimensions of the stone envelope. The stone envelope includes the one foot (min.) stone perimeter around the chambers and the excavation volume around the manifold (if the manifold volume is to be included in the total storage volume).

There are 22 steps listed with complete instructions on how to open and save a new project, enter data such as invert, length, width and height, setting parameters, importing the model needed and how to analyze the behavior of the chamber system under actual rainfall conditions.

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