1462B Duraslot XL Heavy Traffic Installation

1462B Duraslot XL Heavy Traffic Installation.dwg

1462B Duraslot XL Heavy Traffic Installation

This document shows the 1462B Duraslot XL Heavy Traffic Installation. Details of the Duraslot with descriptors, table and notes provided.

The Duraslot detail shows the 1/8” recess into finished pavement, expansion joint, aluminum slot riser with 5 inch wide grate, compressive strength concrete, ADS N12 HDPE, asphalt or concrete pavement, base material as appropriate and stable, undisturbed earth or compacted fill.

A table shows the nominal diameter ID for 6 thru 36 and depth of invert height in minimum and maximum inches.

Notes state that backfill design should be used for HS-20 loading applications. The engineer provides site specific details such as concrete strength. Additional design information available through ADS tech notes and slot recess is not included in depth of invert tables.

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