Drain Basin with Base Plate and Concrete Curb Opening Quick Spec Detail Nyloplast Detail

Drain Basin with Base Plate and Concrete Curb Opening Quick Spec Detail Nyloplast Detail.pdf

Drain Basin with Base Plate and Concrete Curb Opening Quick Spec Detail Nyloplast Detail

This document is the Drain Basin with Base Plate and Concrete Curb Opening Quick Spec Detail Nyloplast Detail. Nyloplast illustrations with descriptions shown.

The details show the various parts and dimensions of the open throat curb inlet option, the single wing or double wing curb inlet option with base plate and drain basin.

Note 1 states that 18” – 30” frames, grates, hoods & base plates shall be ductile iron. Note 2 notes that drain basin must be custom manufactured. Note 3 discusses drainage connection stub joint tightness regulations. Note 4 states that adapters can be mounted on any angle. Note 5 directs that the basin opening must be covered during construction of curb inlet to prevent concrete debris from entering the structure.

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