MC-7200 Chamber StormTech Product Sheet
MC-7200 Chamber StormTech Product Sheet.pdf
The StormTech Stormwater Chamber System is designed to meet the most stringent industry performance standards for superior structural integrity while providing designers with a cost-effective method to save valuable land.
The StormTech system is designed primarily to be used under parking lots, thus maximizing land usage for private
(commercial) and public applications. StormTech chambers can also be used in conjunction with Green Infrastructure, thus enhancing the performance and extending the service life of these practices.
The Stormwater MC-7200 Chamber System product specifications include the product size dimensions, storage, nominal end cap specifications, end cap storage, weight and shipping. A cross section of the products with sizes is included.
An installation diagram shows placement of embedment stone, soil/aggregate compaction, geotextile placement, chamber standards, pavement layer, perimeter stone, excavation wall, depth of stone and end cap placement. It notes that the site engineer is responsible for ensuring the required bearing capacity of soils.
StormTech MC-7200 specifications chart storage volume per chamber, amount of stone per chamber and volume excavation per chamber.
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