Erosion Control Solutions Brochure

Erosion Control Solutions Brochure.pdf

Erosion Control Solutions Brochure

This document is the Erosion Control Solutions Brochure. It features information on various products, benefits and specifications.

High-volume and high-velocity storm water runoff can erode soil within open channels, drainage ditches, swales and on steep exposed slopes increasing the transport of sediments into receiving waters that can severely affect water storage capacity and increase flooding potential. Water quality impacts of increased sediment load include the conveyance of nutrients and pesticide pollutants, disruption of fish spawning and impairment of aquatic habitat.

Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. is able to provide the products needed to protect against soil loss. In addition, ADS products are able to save the end user money and time. ADS erosion control products are able to protect newly seeded soils from raindrop impact, minimize soil loss and promote infiltration to accelerate the development of the seeds.

On slopes, ADS products are more effective than hydraulic mulch and blown straw and more economical than concrete slope paving or riprap. ADS erosion control products also help to capture sediment and other contaminants from storm water.

Permanent turf reinforcement mats enhance vegetation performance, resist erosion and tearing of vegetation under the highest water velocities.

Erosion control blankets hold soil and seed in place until the permanent vegetative cover establishes itself. Various products and their applications listed.

Turf reinforcement mats are made from permanent synthetic material to provide immediate erosion protection. They are ideal for the protection of drainage ditches, open channels and detention basins. Various products, benefits and their applications listed.

Product selection and channel lining system graphs show the longevity and slope gradient for turf reinforcement mats and erosion control blankets. Product specifications of the turf reinforcement mats and erosion control blankets is included. Photographs of each product in the field shown.

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